Friday, November 25, 2016

Our Elf on the Shelf is an over-achiever.

It's the day after Thanksgiving, and our Elf is already at it. We woke up this morning and caught him trying to put up the first tree of Christmas on our dinning room table. I can't decide if he is an over-achiver or just trying to tell us that it is time to get the 12' tree down from the attic and get to decorating.

Day 1

It's day two of having our little elfy friend with us. It appears as though he has admitted defeat and has solicited some assistance from one of our households more permanent residents.
Day 2
So, I do believe that our little elf has learned the art of delegation. Our little Lego people are building a Mega Blok home for the elf and he's just chillaxing.